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Sphyrnidae Common Library
Shared Utilities/Library
Environmental settings are settings/configurations that are specific to an environment. Typical environments are:
Any settings that will be unique to a certain environment should be stored as an environmental variable. Examples:
.Net Core has the IConfiguration interface. The IEnvironmentSettings is the basis for this. In fact the implementation merely calls this interface. So if you'd prefer to just use the IConfiguration interface, then that is perfectly fine.
Interface: IEnvironmentSettings
Mock: EnvironmentalSettingsMock
Implementation: EnvironmentalSettings
Class | Name of Configuration | Default Value | Description |
IpAddress | ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT | If "localhost", then use | |
CacheLocalAndDistributed | Cache:Distributed | true | Purely for this caching implementation, specifies if distributed caching is enabled |
CacheLocalAndDistributed | Cache:Local | true | Purely for this caching implementation, specifies if local caching is enabled |
LogRepo.CnnStr | Cnn:Logging | Encrypted connection string to the logging database | |
EncryptionKeyManager | Encryption_Key | current encryption key | |
EncryptionKeyManager | Encryption_Key_Old | Previous encryption key | |
HttpDataMiddleware | Require_Https | false | If your application requires all requests be secure (HTTPS) |
ApiAuthenticationWebService.Url | URL:ApiAuthentication | URL to the Authentication microservice (API<=>API) | |
FeatureToggleWebService.Url | URL:FeatureToggle | URL to the Feature Toggle microservice | |
SignalR | URL:Hub:Cache | For CacheLocalAndDistributed, when you clear cache, this is the URL to SignalR which will then publish a clear cache message to other applications to clear their local cache | |
CacheDistributed and CacheLocalAndDistributed | URL:Redis | Distributed caching URL | |
UserPreferenceWebService.Url | URL:UserPreferences | URL to the User Preferences microservice | |
VariableWebService.Url | URL:Variable | URL to the Variable microservice | |
HealthCheck | version | Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetName().Version | For the health check endpoint (/hc) to list the current version of the application |
// Note that the nested structure in appsettings.json get converted to ":" at each level // <a><b><c>123</c></b></a> IEnvironmentSettings env; // Should be injected SettingsEnvironmental.Get(env, "a:b:c", "default value"); // 123