To install and successfully use this nuget package, please do the following:
Create a .net core 3.1 application (no other versions currently supported)
Install the nuget package Sphyrnidae.Common - eg. Install-Package Sphyrnidae.Common
Create a folder in your project called "Settings" (or "Implementations" or "Overrides" or whatever makes sense)
Project-specific implementations (to be placed inside this folder):
IApplicationSettings: see Application for more information. Call this class <project>ApplicationSettings
IFeatureToggleSettings: see Feature Toggle for more information
IUserPreferenceSettings: see User Preferences for more information
IVariableSettings: see Variables for more information
ILoggerConfiguration: see Logging Configurations for more information
Update the program.cs class to include environmental variables: CreateHostBuilder() => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => { webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>(); }).ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostingContext, config) => { config.AddEnvironmentVariables(); });
Update your startup.cs class to:
Inject IConfiguration into the constructor (save this reference off) - will call this "Config"
Instantiate and save off a new instance of ServiceConfiguration - will call this "ServiceConfig"
Register your project-specific implementations in ConfigureServices():
Last thing in ConfigureServices() should be the call to services.AddCommonServices() - note that it takes the ServiceConfiguration, as well as 3 other concrete instances:
var app = new <project>ApplicationSettings()
var env = new EnvironmentalSettings(Config)
var http = new HttpClientSettings(null, env)
In Configure(), replace the entire configuration/pipeline with a single call to: app.UseServices(ServiceConfig, sp);
app: injected IApplicationBuilder
ServiceConfig: The saved off ServiceConfiguration
sp: injected IServiceProvider
In launchSettings.json, ensure the "launchUrl" is configured to be "swagger"
Configure Project Settings:
Build => Suppress Warnings: 1701;1702;1591
Build => Treat warnings as errors => Specific warnings: ;NU1605
Build => Output => ENable XML documentations file: obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1<IApplication.Name> Api.xml
That's the basic setup. As you develop API's, be sure to thoroughly comment them with XML comments. As you look to use other pieces of functionality in this package, there may be additional configurations you'll need to make.