Sphyrnidae Common Library  2.0.1
Shared Utilities/Library
Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions Class Reference

Any Double extension methods More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsEqual (this double val1, double val2)
 Determines if 2 doubles are effectively equal More...
static bool IsLessThan (this double val1, double val2)
 Determines if a double is effectively less than another value More...
static bool IsLessThanOrEqual (this double val1, double val2)
 Determines if a double is effectively less than or equal to another value More...
static bool IsMoreThan (this double val1, double val2)
 Determines if a double is effectively more than another value More...
static bool IsMoreThanOrEqual (this double val1, double val2)
 Determines if a double is effectively more than or equal to another value More...
static bool Between (this double val, double val1, double val2, bool includeLowerValue=true, bool includeUpperValue=true)
 Determines if a double is between other values More...
static long IntegerPart (this double val)
 Returns the number to the left of the decimal point More...

Detailed Description

Any Double extension methods

Member Function Documentation

◆ Between()

static bool Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.Between ( this double  val,
double  val1,
double  val2,
bool  includeLowerValue = true,
bool  includeUpperValue = true 

Determines if a double is between other values

valThe value being compared
val1The lower value to compare
val2The upper value to compare
includeLowerValueSpecifies whether the check will include a value equal to val1 (lower)
includeUpperValueSpecifies whether the check will include a value equal to val2 (upper)
True if val falls between val1 and val2. False otherwise

◆ IntegerPart()

static long Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.IntegerPart ( this double  val)

Returns the number to the left of the decimal point

valThe value being used
The integer to the left of the decimal point

◆ IsEqual()

static bool Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.IsEqual ( this double  val1,
double  val2 

Determines if 2 doubles are effectively equal

val1The first value to compare
val2The 2nd value to compare
True if they are effectively equal, false otherwise

◆ IsLessThan()

static bool Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.IsLessThan ( this double  val1,
double  val2 

Determines if a double is effectively less than another value

val1The first value to compare
val2The 2nd value to compare
True if the first value is less than the 2nd, false otherwise

◆ IsLessThanOrEqual()

static bool Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.IsLessThanOrEqual ( this double  val1,
double  val2 

Determines if a double is effectively less than or equal to another value

val1The first value to compare
val2The 2nd value to compare
True if the first value is less than or equal to the 2nd, false otherwise

◆ IsMoreThan()

static bool Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.IsMoreThan ( this double  val1,
double  val2 

Determines if a double is effectively more than another value

val1The first value to compare
val2The 2nd value to compare
True if the first value is more than the 2nd, false otherwise

◆ IsMoreThanOrEqual()

static bool Sphyrnidae.Common.Extensions.DoubleExtensions.IsMoreThanOrEqual ( this double  val1,
double  val2 

Determines if a double is effectively more than or equal to another value

val1The first value to compare
val2The 2nd value to compare
True if the first value is more than or equal to the 2nd, false otherwise

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